We are the graduating class of 1971, consisting of around 400 students from Whitehall Yearling High School (Whitehall, Ohio).
Click on each image to enlarge... for zooming in more - press down on your "control key" on the keyboard while using your mouse's scroll
With larger photo up in a window, right-click & choose "view image"...this will bring it into a browser page & then it can be printed
Have you lost your 1971 Yearbook?
These pages can be printed or saved as pdf's on your computer's hard drive.
We also have a special Facebook page just for our class.
If you are on Facebook, but not
listed as a member there -
please request membership.
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Click/tap on above link. This will take you to our group page, which is a "private" page. But you can ask for approval to become a member!
After becoming a member of our group page, you will be able to make posts, comment on other posts and share any memories, thoughts, photos, etc.
click/tap on YouTube Link